I haven't been in the office much in the past two weeks because of the in-processing requirements. I've been at my desk a little more each day, still mostly doing in-processing stuff eg. still getting basic work email and phone. I am supposed to be in an actual office, but that has been occupied by someone else temporarily, so they've stuck me at a desk in the design shop.
Today, I've been at my desk most of the morning. There have been designers (all Italian nationals) and contractors coming and going all morning. Then, kind of all of the sudden, half the office is gone and the other half is putting on their coats. I had headphones on because I was trying to get a few things done and the constant Italian language throughout the office is actually pretty distracting, but I look up to see what all the rucus is about. Honestly, I thought there may have been a fire alarm go off, but then, no one was moving particularly fast, so that couldn't have been it. Then I was thinking that maybe there was a big staff meeting going on, but that didn't seem right. It was too early for lunch, so that wasn't it. Then it hit me! I remembered from my days here before: 10am coffee break! Then I realized why they had been glancing in my direction with what appeared to be uncertainty and awkwardness - they weren't sure whether to invite me or not, maybe because I am an American, or maybe because I am one of the Supervisors around here, I really don't know. But I'm new, it's Christmas, I certainly need to do some team-building, and did I want to go they ask....certamente!...meaning: HELLS YEAH!
So here's the drill, it's pretty simple - you dress up like there a cold, artic storm outside even though it's sunny and 50, walk across the post a ways, stop into the Carabinieri Coffee Shop, order a coffee or capuccino, drink it, and walk back. There really isn't a whole lot of lingering - enough to drink a small coffee, but still respectful of the fact that it's the work day - and then you go back to the office, unravel the omnipresent scarves that EVERYone wears, and go back to work. Basta, finito!
Love it.... good thing you were self-aware enough to "get with the program"! When in Rome... or Vicenza...