A couple of days after returning from Spain, Suzanne went back to the airport to pick up my 14-year old nephew, Chase, and her 13-year old neice, Annelise. They are staying with us for a few weeks this summer which we are thrilled about and which has put our kids into a frenzy of excitement.
Suzanne and I have been getting a kick out of the exposure to a couple of young teenagers in our house. They are both super great kids - excuse me, "young adults" - but I think part of last night's dinner conversation was pretty eye-opening for everyone.
Chase said something to Annelise about how I was in my high school production of "Grease". Annie couldn't beLIEVE it! She suggested that it would be pretty hysterical if we had a video of it uploaded to YouTube.
Chase's all of the sudden became the authority on such matters and explained to Annelise how this happened so long ago, it was, like, back in the days of "MySpace"!!!
I had to correct my young Jedi nephew with the explanation that this actually was, like, FIFTEEN YEARS BEFORE anyone had HEARD of "MySpace" and as a matter of fact, it was basically before anyone knew much about the internet, period! ...Yeah, that blew their minds. I had fun with that one.
Suzanne, on the other hand, said something about a recording on VHS. Annelise had no idea what she was talking about. Suzanne explained about these cassettes that have a ribbon that goes from one spool to the next, bla, bla, and Annelise finally realizes that she may have heard about those once, you know, like, I think I saw one packed away in a box in our house one time, and, like, I think my Dad told me about those one time.
People, we are not that old, I promise you. The only times when there is ANY evidence that we are aging is when I see my hairline in the mirror and when we have teenagers in our house. Weeellll, that may not be entirely true - there is often a lot more snaps, crackles, and pops when we get in and out of bed everyday - but it is true as far as you all are concerned!
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